power and interdependence
power and interdependence robert O Keohane & joseph S Nye 新自由主义开始挑战(新)现实主义主导地位的开始
核心问题 在相互依赖普遍存在的情况下,世界政治的核心特点是什么? 如何合作
相互依赖的类型 解释社会发展的几种视角 经济的、政治的、问题结构解释模式、国际组织解释模式(一种组织模式)
大概区分自由主义和现实主义视角的差别 realism: the world is primordially divided into seperate states, every state is a Machstaat(power state), there is no common power and the only safe guide for statesmen is raison d'etat.(国家理由) 现实主义不重视超出国家理由的国际关怀。
reationalism: the only sound basis for human existance is to reconginze the world as athe worl of reason in which separate states from a society under the rule of law which reconginzes them as equals; human society is not obliterated by the society of states but is served by it. 理性主义(自由主义)认为存在普遍共同的人性,我们可以发展出超越国家的全球性的政治秩序。
the long provenance: norman angell(1910) and david mitrany(1943) 新自由主义的出现其实在安吉尔那里就有苗头,这一复兴是因为世界贸易和合作等直到这个时代才恢复到一战二战前的水平。
an assumption of realism 不讨论国内的问题,将其“黑箱化”,这是现实主义的一个理论基础。
the 1970s tat shakes the foundation of realism the vietnam war; the oil embargo iniyiated by the OPEC(军事的力量不是决定性的,资源也能影响); the collapse of the bretton woods system(霸权也是脆弱的)
the characteristics of complex dependence 复合相互依赖的三个特征: states are neither unitary nor as soverieign as realists would have them be. the lines between domestic and foreign policy are further blurred. domestic outcome can increasingly be linked to politics and actions emanating from aborad.
主权的四个面向: domestic international legal westphalian完全没有外部干涉的:威斯特伐利亚式的主权
理解权力在相互依赖中的作用:我们必须区分脆弱性和敏感性 敏感性指的是某政策框架内做出反应的速度——一国变化导致另一国家发生有代价变化的速度多快,所付出的代价有多大 脆弱性取决于各行为体获得替代选择和相对能力及其付出的代价
新自由主义和新现实主义认为国家没有很明确的等级制 second, issues are not arranged in a clear or consistent hierarchy. military security does not dominate the agenda the old realist distinctioon between high politics(i.e. concerns with power and security) and low politics (i.e. all other non-security issues)holds no longer.
不倾向于区分高政治和低政治的议题 例如电脑系统的问题也对国家安全能够产生很大影响。新自由主义者的观点是更为复合性的。
third, the importance of millitary force is diminishing(as a result of the first two characteristics) froce is costly and iy wil rarely achieve a wide range of political objectives popular opposition to prolonged military cinflicts is very high
如何评价民主和平论和贸易和平论?如何促进国家安全 mike 多伊尔做过一个经验研究,认为民主国家之间是没有发生过战争的。但他对民主国家的界定也是面临争议的。 贸易和平论更为复杂,第一次破产是在安吉尔写出这本书后的一战,英国和德国是除了北美以外的互为第一大贸易伙伴的,但两国之间仍然发生了战争。 朝鲜的六方会谈就是希望通过朝鲜和其他国家建立贸易关系使其和平化。 摩根索甚至认为贸易可能加剧国家间的战争: free trade in world politics does not maintain peace but "is a source of conflict and war" 民主和平论能够达到和平的原因,究竟是因为政治体制的一致,还是本来就有的“亲缘关系”以及价值观念等的一致性(有时候观点不同,但能够理解和同情对方)? 很多时候解决问题不是因为没有办法,而是大家能否对解决方式的价值理念形成一个共同的看法(类似大家庭中的财产分配问题 法定继承中赡养责任和财产分配是没有直接关联的) 在霸权等物质利益的方面之外要思考更多一些
waltz: "the myth of interdependence both obscures the realities of international politics and asserts a false belief about the conditions tat promote peace" 认为相互依赖的视角实际上模糊了人们的眼光,使得我们忽视了一些真正能够带来和平的因素。
没有过多溯及过往的自由主义 liberal internationalism: no go? keohane and nye do not explore many of the linkages between complex interdependence and liberal internationalism. instead, they make a sustained effort to develop "potentially complementary models" to political realism.
自由主义的一个要点是把基本单位放在人身上,而非主权民族国家,而新自由主义没有很这样做。 PI never established some of its obvious connections to the liberal internationalist tradition in IR.
koehane and nye find it ironic that the result of the synthetic analysis in PI, and of subsequent work such as Koehane's After Hegemony, has been broaden neorealism and provide it with new concepts rather than to articulate a coherent alternative theoretical