English learning in March 26th
English learning in
some from the TV series yes, prime minister jet lag: 时差 jet:喷气式飞机 lag:延迟
audience:听众、拜会 audience with the queen:拜会女王
I will bear that in mind. 我会记住的
I was on all the news bulletins three nights running. bulletin: 公告栏 running: 滚动播出
was it a success in terms of what it achieve? in terms of 依照、按……来说
reintroduce conscription 恢复征兵
shuffle:拖着脚走 all our people shuffling in and out of houses, buses, factors.
write a cheque 签个支票
oh, politics, I thought it'd be the usual things, tighten your elt, all pull together, heal the wounds
there will be implications, reverberations, repercussions 含义(牵连)、反响、后果
heretic: 异端 what conclusion have you arrived at? well I must be made to being a heretic I think it is the British Cabinet.
confidential: 机密的
can we just leave them off the moment?
do you mind not leaning forward? it makes you look as though you're selling insurance. lean: 倾斜 as though: 好像
I do think it shoule be tuned down a bit. 语气缓和
does it merits the 5 million it costs merit:值得
your face is a bit wooden: 木然 don't let the teleprompter turn you into a zombie. teteprompter: 提词器
authoritative but affectionate 威严而不失慈爱
try lower the pitch of your voice
receding hairline: 发际线后移
everything to disguise the absence of new in the speech
he is very keen on it keen: 敏捷的 be keen on sth: 热衷
see to it:交给你了
it will appease to Soviet appease: v.使让步
contingency:偶发事件、应急措施 this tax cut is contingent upon the PM's fantasty about cancelling Trident and switching to conventional forces. be contingent upon:取决于
but would a tax cut matter all that much? 小题大做
if I were in your shoes:如果我在你的位置
want something for nothing:不劳而获
he wants to twist my arm to do sth:拉我做某事
salient points:重点 salient:显著的、突出的
a ban on smoking in all public places and progressive deterrent tax rises over the next five years until a packet of 20 costs about the same as a bottle of whisky. whisky:威士忌
isn't that rather drastic? 激烈的
and we will stop it in due course,at the appropriate juncture, in the fullness of time 我们终归会停止它 in due course: 在适当的时候 juncture:连接点、特定时刻 fullness:成熟
you mean forget it? 你的意思是算了?
you've made your point: 你说的有道理
I have to be seen as the impartial judge swayed by the force of the argument. impartial: 公正的
but off the record, I want to see this pushed very hard indeed.私下里
it's always been the practice to discourage anti-smokeing speeches.惯例
no man in his right mind could contemplate such a proposal.
a flourishing cigarette export bussiness helping our balance of trade.
the minister of sport wants an urgent word.有急事
the grapevine perhaps. 葡萄藤、小道消息
the chancellor won't commit eletroal suicide:不会在选票上自寻死路
inflationary effect 通货膨胀
but where 4 million pounds is at stake, I think we should have a consider very carefully whether we have the right to indulge ourselves in the rather selfish luxury of pursuing moral principles. at stake:在危险中 indulge:放纵
if only the PM could meet the toacco people, he could see what really nice chaps they were. chap: 小伙子
seeing your patiences die must emotionally distort your judgement. distort:使扭曲
implicate:使卷入、涉及 he is thoroughly implicated in receiving bribery.
bribery: 贿赂
Notwithstanding the fact your proposal could considered be able to encompass certain concomitant benefits of a peripheral relevance, there is also a countervailing consideration of infinitely superior magnitude, involving your personal complicity and corroborative malfeasance. with the consequence that the taint and stigma of your former associations and diversions could irredeemably and irretrievably invalidate your position and culminate in public revelations and recriminations of a profoundly embarrassing and ultimately indefensible character.
let them do their worst. 让他们去捣鬼吧
such legaslation would be a blow against freedom of choice blow: 吹、打击
I don't think they're fully committed on that matter yet. commit to: 发表意见
the only stumbling block would be if your propasals went through, they will…… stumbling block:绊脚石
we've got full backing from……全力支持
# you are not trying to get rid of me? of course not. quiet the reverse.完全相反 it's a terrific step up. 极好的提拔 it's a considerable promotion. but thoroughly merited.
from a fanfiction named the sepulchre by whitegloves
he was buttoning his waist coat
Just like his brother to be all god like when it comes to crimes and stuff.
"Whatever your thoughts about it were, it just didn't strike me to be of any importance."
evoke: 诱发
mystery:神秘 mysterious:神秘的
It was impossible for him to be unnoticed for he was such a person to emit an aura when he meant to. aura:光环、气氛
if you'd only be so kind to remember." 你要是能记住就好了
Mycroft was no novice to this. novice:新手
Unwittingly, she drew a handgun from her red handbag and pointed it at the British Government Head who did not flinch as he stared at the muzzle. flinch:退缩 muzzle:枪口
"Sherlock, since when did I become your personal secretary?" "Don't be a boor now, brother, a man's life depends on it." boor:粗野的人
exclusive of:除了……外
sitation: (论文)引用
from a lesson of how to read violin notes Being able to read music off of the page unlocks an entire world of musical potential.
aspire to: long for, yearn for, be eager for
intersect: 交叉
simulate, imitate: 模仿
I am the kind of person who will accidentally sneeze,I think sneeze is really contagious. sneeze:打喷嚏 contagious: 传染性的
doddle:简单的事 a doddle:小菜一碟