Raymond Aron(1905-1983), peace and war
# Raymond Aron(1905-1983), peace and war, a theory of international relations(1962)
理性概要和社会学假说应该在国际关系中融会贯通 国家间关系是国际关系的中心,其特有意义在于战争与和平的交锋 区分四个概念层次:理论、社会学、历史、人类行为学 战略家外交官的行为并不是目标性的(different from economic),而特别受到战争风险支配
theory 战略与外交的统一性:absolute war & real war 区分权力与力量:潜在力量和实际力量;权力的要素(环境、资源、集体行动的能力);和平年代和战争年代的权力 对外政策目标:安全、权力、荣耀;空间、人口 国际体系:政治单元构成的整体 力量关系的格局、同质体系和异质体系、战争是合法的 多极体系和两极体系 和平的类型:均势、霸权、帝国 战争的类型:国家间、超国家(帝国战争)、国家内部 恐怖原则的和平 权力原则的和平-满意原则的和平-无能原则的和平
sociology 空间:地理环境、舞台、利害关系;麦金德模型:地缘政治构想 人口:空间通过人数这一媒介影响历史 资源:资源作为力量手段、争夺的利害关系 行为体行为的变化:受到政治体制、意识形态的影响 变化模式:民族国家命运、文明的命运 战争的根源:自然状态和社会状态的对立、生物和心理意义上的侵略性、社会意义上的竞争原因
history(20C60S) 全球性的异质体系 威慑战略:热核威胁;三种模型(免遭罪罚、罪罚对等、罪罚不等) 集团政治:是二战局势的机械结果,两个集团不能进行生死之战,但也不能和解;中立国家会被拉拢
人类行为学: 马基雅维利问题:正当手段问题 & 康德问题 批判理想主义的永久和平论;也批判现实主义 “审慎”:不要求绝对的公平 寻找战略谋求和平:恐惧求和平、裁军求和平 超越权力政治:法律手段、帝国路线寻求和平
华尔兹对阿隆的批评:认为后者拒绝了将国际关系科学化的努力,像经济学那样建立一个general science,阿隆则认为他的理论是oversimplification的。it was potentially politically dangerous to transform IR into an operational or predictable science. there has never been a single goal or objective which all ststes pursue, then any attempt to claim that there is asuch a transhistorical, overarching end(power, security or national interest)will inevitably result in vague, exaggerated, or downright false oversimplification.
• Waltz criticizes Aron for rejecting the possibility of developing a general theory of international relations similar to that found in economics.
• Neorealism’s fundamental departure from traditional realism: “The international politics can be thought of as a system with a precisely defined structure”. • Aron consistently maintained that it was impossible to explain the figuration of international politics through a single concept such as “power” or the “configuration of forces”.
为什么国际关系希望科学化? 新现实主义的门槛主要在工具层面上 反科学主义浪潮在美国发展起来,中国的研究则相对滞后。 我们多大程度上凭借人当前的认识能力,使得IR这一复杂的学科多大程度上能够被呈现?
阿隆代表着国际关系的另一个倾向:历史社会学 本质上是要看一个社会形态、社会规则、各种个体是如何在历史中演进的 不认为任何的历史形态是终极的,都有具体的历史原因 这实际上是对历史学和社会学的一种否定,认为它们是不universal的 many social scientists suffer from a tendency to "eternalize the present"--john breuilly
• The leitmotif of Peace and War can be read as a refutation of the possibility of such a theory ever being developed. • Aron consistently maintained that it was impossible to explain the figuration of international politics through a single concept such as “power” or the “configuration of forces”. •《和平与战争》的主题可以解读为对这种理论发展可能性的驳斥。 •阿隆一贯认为,不可能通过一个单一的概念来解释国际政治的形态,比如“权力”或“形态” 部队”。
The limits of our knowledge • There has never been a single goal or objective which all states pursue, then any attempt to claim that there is such a transhistorical, overarching end (power, security or national interest) will inevitably result in vague, exaggerated, or downright false oversimplification. • It was potentially politically dangerous to transform IR into an operational or predictable science. • International Relations deal with “the relations between political units, each of which claims the right to take justice into its own hands and to be the sole arbiter of the decision to fight or not to fight for.” (p. 8) • All politics is ultimately “power” politics, Aron adds that all political claims inevitably contain a greater or lesser degree of justice.
•从来没有一个目标或目的,所有国家追求,那么任何试图声称,有这样一个永恒的,包罗万象的结束(电力、安全或国家利益)将不可避免地导致模糊,夸张,或者完全错误的简化。 •将国际关系转变为可操作或可预测的科学具有潜在的政治危险。 •国际关系处理“政治单位之间的关系,每一个单位都声称有权将正义掌握在自己手中,并成为决定是否战斗的唯一仲裁者。” •所有政治最终都是“权力”政治,阿隆补充说,所有政治主张不可避免地包含正义或多或少的程度。
two paradoxical problems: morality of struggle: the mechiavellian problem of the legitimate recourse to force.
moriality of law: the kantian problem of collective security and universal peace.
历史社会学 • A branch of sociology focusing on how societies develop through history • Many social scientists suffer from a tendency to “eternalize the present” (John Breuilly, 2000).