English learning in June
English learning in August 20(2)
No need to build a new skill from scratch! Making existing Skills work great is just as important. from scratch 白手起家 scratch n.擦伤、抓痕; v.抓
sinew 筋 dextrous 敏捷的 He was tall and delicately shaped; strong in nerve and sinew, and most dextrous in arms. All tough sinew, she looked like a hawk eyeing prey. hawk 老鹰 prey 猎物
buffer 缓冲区
concatenate 连锁状的;连接 linux命令里面有个cat,就是concatenate and print files,用于在标准输出(监控器或屏幕)上查看文件内容。
parse 解析
suspend 延缓、退迟、使悬浮
omniscience 全知
pastor 牧师
coward 懦夫
homogenous 同质的
turmoil 混乱
overarching 首要的、支配性的
trajectory 轨道
hew 砍 to hew closely to the empirical facts.
substantive 实质性的
elaboration 详细阐述
temper 脾气;调和
sparse 稀疏的
disputed 有争议的
dictator 独裁者 dictatorship 独裁统治
oblivion 遗忘
presumption 傲慢、预测
viable 可行的
allusion 暗示
benign 良性的
despot 专制者
prevail 流行、胜利
drastic 猛烈的
make forays into 涉足
Those who consign precolonial polities to the realm of anthropology miss a great deal. consign 托付、托运
Given the centrality of mechanisms for broadcasting power in precolonial Africa to the design and size of the state, buffer mechanisms are partic ularly important to examine. 考虑到在前殖民时期的非洲,延申权力机制对国家的设计和规模的中心地位,缓冲机制的研究尤其重要。
The harshness of European colonization of Africa during the twentieth century often obscures just how late formal control of territory by europeans, especially in the hinterland came to the continent. 20世纪欧洲对非洲殖民的残酷常常掩盖了欧洲人对非洲大陆,尤其是内陆地区的正式控制是多么晚。 harshness 严肃、刺耳 obscure 掩盖、朦胧的 hinterland 穷乡僻壤
Summer is coming earlier and hotter across swaths of the North. 北方大部分地区的夏天来得更早,也更热。 swath 细长的列
So we were only too happy to weigh in. weigh in 参与,加入
seductive 诱惑的
trilogy 三部曲
lavish 慷慨的,浪费的
eurocentrism: 欧洲中心主义
palpable:可感知的 bewilderment 困惑 palpable 明显的 The frustration and the bewilderment among teachers, students and their families is palpable – and wholly understandable.
compelling reason 强有力的原因
pastoral:牧师的、牧歌 pastor:牧师
prospective:未来的、可预期的 prospectus:简章
BA: bachelor of arts
Placement Year: 实习年
The United States and the People's Republic of China announced on 15 December 1978, that the two governments would establish diplomatic relations on 1 January 1979. establish diplomatic relations with 建交
the domino effect: 多米诺骨牌效应
trustworthiness: 可信度
glittering and translucent 晶莹剔透 glittering: 发光的 translucent: 半透明的
troubleshoot:解决……问题 how to troubleshoot "network failed".
patrimonial: 祖传的、世袭的
demistify: 解密
process = proce procedural: 程序上的
indispensible: 不可或缺的
resent:怨恨 resentful:愤愤不平的
ambivert: 双重性格者,既外向又内向的人
strike up: 开始演奏、建立起、发起谈话 Strike up the drum and march courageously. I hope you will strike up a lasting friendship. strike up the band: 开始演奏 strike up an acquaintance: 偶然成为朋友 strike up a discordant tune: 唱反调 strike up conversation: 攀谈
I spend a lot of time exploring various random topic that pique my interest. pique: 刺激好奇心;使愤怒
interpretation:accountability The Interpretation of Dreams:《梦的解析》 juridical interpretation: 司法解释
take a turn for the bettrt/worse 好转/恶化
chore:杂务、琐事 mike prefer to finish his chores before allowing himself to relax.
draw attention to yourself: 集中注意力于自己